Last updated August 02, 2022 Jumo Clicker! is licensed to You (End-User) by RomanBard , located and registered at 12, Daewangpangyo-ro 645beon-gil, Bundang-gu , 616 , Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do , 13487 __________ , South Korea ( " Licensor " ), for use only under the terms of this License Agreement. Our VAT number is 496-21-01447. By downloading the Licensed Application from Apple's software distribution platform ( "App Store" ) and Google's software distribution platform ( "Play Store" ) , and any update thereto (as permitted by this License Agreement), You indicate that You agree to be bound by all of the terms and conditions of this License Agreement, and that You accept this License Agreement. App Store and Play Store are referred to in this License Agreement as " Services ." The parties of this L...